Saturday, January 7, 2012

"One" of my best decisions.....

Adding a second child to our family wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be. So after about 2 months (and this is when Annabelle's 'fussy time' started) a friend of mine suggested a postpartum doula. Now when I thought of a doula, I thought of a woman who was super crunchy, all about natural "at home" childbirth, and breastfeeding all the way. I was wrong!

After much encouragement, I finally googled "doulas" and found that Cincinnati has an organization of doulas. Not only do they help out during the delivery of your baby, but they can also help you postpartum when you come home. So, I emailed one in particular because it seemed like her profile matched my personality the most.


Our doula was so sweet - when she came I was a bit scared that she would judge me for the bottles and formula that I had sitting on my countertop. Total opposite. She had formula fed her children and was very supportive. When I interviewed her via email, she shared that her job was to help me adjust to the new life that was brought into our family. She would help with the baby, help with light meal prep, and even do laundry. I could use the time while she was here to nap, shower, or spend time with Lucy - but she specifically told me that her job was me and the baby - she wasn't a babysitter. Which was great - I wanted some free time to spend with Lucy! One day Annie took a nap while she was here, and she folded two baskets of laundry for me. Other times when she was here she would just hold/feed/play with Annabelle so I could get something done for me or spend alone time with Lucy. She came about 2x a week for about 2-3 hours and honestly, it wasn't that bad as far a money goes, and for a mom's sanity, totally worth it!

I am so thankful that I had some friends that kept on me to try this out. It was a huge blessing. I had a hard time accepting help at first because, you know, a mom is just supposed to "have it all together." We are adjusting well over here, so we have decided to say goodbye to our doula. Amazing woman who helped this little family adjust from a family of 3 to a family of 4!

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