Things are just crazy! Which is good. I'm ok with not being on the computer to post nonstop. But, alas, the Nannies, Grandmas, and Aunties of the world need to have some cutie pics of their darlings, right? Life's been busy - but fun. There are many days (like today!) where I just want to crawl in bed around 8:00 after the kiddos are in bed. But tonight I decided to grab a glass of wine and sit down for some quick updates and cute pictures.
So we went to Mom and Dad's house for a week before Christmas. My brother had gotten some tickets for the Eagles/Bengals game - so Matthew went with Eric and Dad to the game. (Bengals won!) We had a fun time - starting with some gingerbread house FUN!
Pappy and little Popcorn
A little town near my hometown had a display set up - Lucy loved running around everywhere and seeing the different characters and live deer.
Miss Annie enjoying a Christmas cookie!
Having fun with Uncle Eric!
Here's Miss Lucy on her 5th Birthday! We bought her some Pinkalicious books - one of her favorites.
Having fun @ Lucy's preschool Christmas party.

Lucy: So the clock is ticking - and this gal is going to Kindergarten next year. ALL DAY Kindergarten. I just don't know if I'm going to handle that well. She's a social girl, so I think she'll do ok - but will definitely be tired by the end of the day. Lucy is taking ballet again and really enjoys it - I'll be glad when we have a closer ballet studio next year! She loves preschool and her friends. Lucy loves to read and her newest fave is Junie B. Jones (although Momma's not a fan of Junie's spunky language). I love catching her reading - I know she has to be totally engrossed in something when i don't hear her for over 20 min. She is so full of energy and some days I am just excited for 7:30 to come so she rests her head on her pillow - and I get some time to decompress. But one thing I can say is that she is so full of life - and I just adore her. At her age - she is coming up with a million things that just catch me off guard and just make me laugh.
Annabelle: Well, the most exciting thing is that this girl has started pulling up! the other night, I put her to bed and came downstairs. I heard her saying, "Uh oh!" really loudly over and over. I went upstairs and she had tossed her blanket out of her crib and was standing up! We had PT the next day and they were really excited as well. Today we went to a local church to play and she climbed up 2 steps! Huge for this little gal! She is sooo full of spunk. She has no problem telling us no or grabbing something from my hands after I have taken it away from her - hmmmm....something she must have gotten from her sister who just takes things from her. Annie is verbally taking off - she knows so many words and some shapes and colors. PT is giving her another month to see what she does - if she doens't keep moving forward we may have to go in for some testing. But as Matthew and I say - we just think she is lazy (her PT likes to say she just has a "cautious personality" - and thinks she is just fine). She'll pull up and stand when she sees something that motivates her - but when we try to help her stand any other time she just flips out. Very much like Daddy in that she is very cautious. One day I had to go to her room at least 3 times because she was standing up and had no idea how to get down. But, oh, for all her spunk, she is just such a cutie!
Daddy: tired
Mommy: tired
yet I still do all I can do relish my time alone @ 11:20 pm to post a blog entry!